This past April, a new prescribed bi-polar medication sent me spiraling into a pit of despair. Instead of succumbing to the overpowering suicidal urges, I checked myself into the local psych ward seeking help for the second time in only two years. It was during my time locked in D1 at Peterborough Regional Health Centre that I wrote and created this series of suicide note scrolls. I was in survival mode, etching Sharpies through stencil letters furiously on the pages beneath, just to get it out, creating 54 scrolls in nine days.
Upon my release from hospital, where 3 different psychiatrists changed my meds 7 times in 9 days, I was still up on 8 mischief charges for graffiti, and I was hesitant to cover the city in suicide notes.
With that said, Gallery In The Attic seemed like the perfect place to feature a sampling of these psych ward suicide note scrolls. The show ran from June 1-16th, 2016, with a wonderful turnout to the opening reception on Canada Day.
While a handful of the scrolls sold during the show and another cluster since, I still have about 35 of these psych ward scrolls remaining and would love to sell one to you! Some are from the show but many have never been seen. I usually sell the smaller ones for $100 and the larger sizes for $200 but I am beyond open to working within your budget to get one of these on your wall!
If you are interested...
Facebook Jeremiah Jerm IX
Instagram jerm_ix
So, with no further adieu, come up the stairs into Gallery In The Attic for Jerm IX: This is not my suicide note...

Thanks for coming out to the show, virtually.
And remember, I am not a depression sufferer, I am a depression survivor.