Shortly after our tense and incredibly awkward interaction with Mr. Doxsee inside the Doxsee House, we find ourselves scoping out the property of the North Big Island House. We are slightly befuddled at first to find that the lawn had been manicured very recently. I'm talking yesterday or this morning, with the grass mowed right up to the vine covered walls of this dilapidated green gem of an abandoned house.
With a drive by, we discover that the neighbours must tend to the property, as the lawns appear to have been cut simultaneously. We are unaware though if these neighbours are the owners of the property or not. Either way, they are an older couple and they just happen to be sitting in rocking chairs in the shade on their front porch next door, sipping what I automatically assume is iced tea.

After the intense experience with Mr. Doxsee less than half an hour behind us in the rear view mirror, we are feeling pretty frisky, and we've come this far, so let's fucking do this.
Senses heighten, nerves fray, excitement overtakes.
And just like that, we're inside, absorbing it all, in silence, again.
The ground floor blows us away, much of it still in pristine condition, containing many fascinating contents to search through and a vibe of a time long gone by. It is a thrilling experience, but we are very aware of the neighbour situation and move through the house much quicker than I would prefer. A return visit may be in order. So much history to be uncovered, I feel as though I just scratched the surface here.
Enter at your own risk

Living in the past

So good, and good for you

As the light burns dim

Woody would peck her (The Globe And Mail Arts section - Saturday June 4, 2011)

Just another plate on the wall

Propane and propane accessories

The elephant in the room


Acoustic guitar solo

The beat of my own drum

Tambourine dreams

The day the music died

The wicker throne

Like yesterday never left

Panning for gold

A guiding light no more

She played the spoons

Silver spoon fed

The world isn't black and white

Upstairs, well that was a different story. Decay decay decay.
Double penetration

The light no longer shines from within

The blue bed

Boom beddy bye bye

Waking up into a nightmare

No rest for the wicked

Time does not heal all wounds

Mirror mirror in my hand...

SUNSHINE by Ludwig Bemelmans

Cash registered


Vacation unknown destination (Kodachrome Transparency Processed by Kodak)

Life goes on (Kodachrome Transparency Processed by Kodak)

And then we are gone, having remained invisible.
Going going gone

And then we make our way back to to the camp site to climb the dunes and swim in the lake and chill fireside, enjoying our Sandbanks Summer 2013 Camping Tour.
click here to check out all of jerm & ninja IX's ABANDONMENT ISSUES
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