It caught my eye: HOME SWEET HOME, sprayed in large red letters across the garage door beside an abandoned white house on Highway 69 outside of Britt, Ontario, about a hundred kilometres south of Sudbury. A young kid painting the words, or rather a painted young kid painting the words.
A quick U-turn was in order. But as we pulled up, a pick-up truck turned into the driveway and continued in behind the house. Another U-turn, and we continued our journey north to Killarney Provincial Park, noting the location for a visit on our return trip a week later.
In the meantime, I shared this location with a fellow explorer, and he made an immediate trip to investigate it for himself. He subsequently posted it online, sharing his view on not only the house and its contents, but his personal anger towards the street artists that had vandalized/decorated the garage door. This prompted a debate between the two of us, and left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
Those of you that know me, are well aware that I have had my feet firmly planted in the street art world for many years. Although I have taken an extended hiatus from actively producing street art to focus on other interests, (including releasing my debut hip hop record, urban exploration, and getting sober) I am still deeply entrenched in the street art community. I am currently producing work for a new street art project that I am very excited about, which I hope to unleash on the public in spring and summer of this year.
I have been pondering the relationship between street artists and urban explorers in great detail of late, and figured I'd share some of those musings here and now. Please keep in mind that these are only my opinions and thoughts. I do not claim to be right or have any authority on the subject. It is important to note that as a member of the urban exploration community, I no longer put my own artwork up in abandoned buildings.
Street artists and graffiti writers are quite often disliked and downright detested by a vocal group within the urban exploration community. From the explorer's perspective, this is not without good reason. Not only is it perceived as vandalism by some members of the exploration community, whose arguably loosely followed motto is 'take only photographs, leave only footprints', it is also widely seen to deter from the natural photogenic aspects of decay and the story of the lives once lived in these locations. Just as importantly, graffiti, like any vandalism, such as broken windows, forced open doors, or even looting and theft, are clear signs to property owners and/or security that someone has been to a location, therefore heating it off and risking that it could be resealed or patrolled more frequently. Understandable.
On the other side of the coin however, graffiti artists were finding and exploring abandoned locations in search of remote places to hone their skills and leave their mark for decades before anyone identifying as an urban explorer started poking around with a camera, and claiming some inherent ownership of these locations.
Of course, in cases of spray painted swastikas and penises and curse words, often misspelled, with no arguable artistic merit, just kids being kids: Well, no one cares for that shit.
The artwork/vandalism at this location, that sparked this particular debate was done by two up and coming street artists, relatively new to the Ontario scene.

The black and white skull is the calling card of 'Deadboy'. He is best known for his very popular stenciled depictions of disgraced Toronto mayor and profound buffoon Rob Ford, sprayed all over the city of Toronto. Like many street artists, he also faces criticism from the graffiti community, which widely perceives paste-ups and stencils as a cheap mockery of the art form.

The kid painting HOME SWEET HOME is the work of 'Denial'. Many people, both inside and outside of the graffiti and street art communities, would argue that this particular piece is one of many imitations of work previously done and overdone by Banksy. But herein lies the the beauty of art, and in life, we all perceive things differently. While the average Joe and maybe even the average urban explorer alike may find this piece to be an eyesore and an intrusion on not only the property, but the beautiful natural northern landscape... I love it. The art breathes life into a dead space, and it provokes thought, which is what all great art should be about, in my opinion. In particular for me, it sparked thoughts about the ephemeral nature of it all: Street art, graffiti, urban exploration, our societal infrastructure and life itself.
What this debate really boils down to is personal choice. All of the aforementioned groups have one thing in common: They break the law. In interviews about my street art, I am often asked my take on art versus vandalism, and where I draw the line? The answer is simple, I can only draw that line for myself. I wasn't personally comfortable with the damage I was doing to my community with the use of spray paint years ago, so I traded in my spray cans in favour of less destructive tools: Paper and paste. That was the redrawing of my line. But beyond myself, I cannot say where that line should be drawn, or stenciled, or spray painted. I am a proud supporter of graffiti and street art in all its forms. It is the rawest and purest form of art ever. It doesn't cater to gallery owners and clients, it doesn't care if you like it, or buy it. It is not for sale...
And much like the urban explorers that detest it, it doesn't ask permission.
Now, lets have look around.
The house of cards

The coming down period

The high chair and the dryer

The chaos within

The bottle swallowed me

The curtain call

The things we tend to bottle up

The assurance of insurance

The job interview

The day the movies died

The way we used to watch

The memories we forget

The world has gone silent

The day the music died

The kid inside us all

The death of the written word

The jar collection

The 2012 hockey lock-out

The way it ends

This was once the home sweet home of Stella Galliano and family, who moved here from Buffalo, New York, in late 1978, when she was hired to work in the Sudbury Centre of The Canadian Red Cross. As is often the case, the date of abandonment, and what became of Stella and her family is not known.
click here to check out all of jerm & ninja IX's ABANDONMENT ISSUES

As a business owner whose property is located in downtown Hamilton, I've been ordered by the city to clean up graffiti by the city on occasion. This is either done out of pocket or through insurance but due to rising premiums I normally pay it. I can understand where a teenager would feel a need to gain attention through this, but a grown man should really have more self-esteem and less need for acceptance than to vandalize what isn't his. Perhaps one day when you make something of yourself and own something, and the city orders you to clean it because some kid wants his bong buddies to approve of him you will get it. Evidentally you do not get it.
K. Hatton
Hamilton, ON
Really enjoyed this post, and think "home sweet home" made the whole experience. It's easy to forget someone once called that place home.
Thanks, jerm.
Do you think you could explore the Guild Inn?
I've seen this pest's spray paint vandalism further up the road last summer. I will not post pictures of sites which he has defaced. I really hope the OPP catch them in the act some day. It's too bad some agency can't find them some real work to do. There's better things in life to do than pretending to imitate Banksy.
Hey my friend… Hope your staying clean…(NA) Celebrating 25 yrs in June…Just for today..
I recently seen your post and pictures of my property on HWY 69 (Stella’s Place), and though this post is over 2 years old it just recently had come to my attention. It does seem odd that both you and the graffiti artist just happen to be in the area during the time such wonderful art work had taken place.
Go figure and knowing that everyone who enter the property did so crossing the no trespassing sign… The sad part was that someone destroyed the work completed by DENIAL, shortly after the pictures you took and the pictures I have; strange it all happened in the same week (Could have been a disturbed family member or a disturbed art community member) Any yes one day I will pull the door off the garage, I do consider it Art..
Yes the pictures do tell a story, and I would appreciate copies. I’m sure alcohol and tobacco certainly took it toll on my Aunt, as we all have demons to deal with, the sad fact is she was a well educated woman with a nursing degree
Yes I am the current property owner and have been since July 1st, 2010 of my late Aunt Property, she died of Cancer.
The Galliano’s have been members of the Britt community for several decades, dating back almost 100yrs, So drifters do find there way home, some taking longer that others… After having talking to my 4th cousin a couple years back, I am pretty sure the Property, this property has been in the family for almost 70-80 yrs crazy small world.. And if anything the legacy of the property will continue, with descendants of the first Galliano’s to the Britt community, still coming back to HOME SWEET HOME….
I hope to have the originals building(Built in 1956) torn down sometime in the next couple of years, My Aunt Stella live in the small building just to the north of the large structure… I generally use the area out back for family, and my extended NA family as a retreat..
aka Big Ed
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