The fog is thick in the air. Dallas stares.
I assure her that no one is there, and no one cares.
And so we park and embark on a little walk,
and we talk about our plans should we get caught by neighbours or cops.
I say this lots...
"Anticipate a stop, be respectful, they'll reciprocate it, watch."
We meander up the overgrown driveway,
on Sandyhook Road, a couple miles from the highway.
Our camera's shutter, with dropped jaws we pause.
We stutter oohs and utter ahhs.
Outbuildings in a state of collapse.
A dated black Dodge never made its maiden voyage, it's trapped...
in a farmer's field and trashed. Now my heart can feel the black.
I hope the house isn't sealed out back.
Once inside, I crack a smile and light a cigar.
I forget about day to day struggles and how life is hard.
I get a sense of impending pleasure through my camera's lens.
We indulge in decay, not a sentence is said.
Put my finger on the pulse. The floor is mulch.
The ceilings bulging and the assaulting odor is repulsive.
The inhabitants are long gone, to who knows where.
Standing at the second story window where I stare...
out at the forest in a daze like its not even there.
And then we're gone.
My shins still tickling from the long grassy overgrown lawn.
The fog is thick in the air. Dallas says "Jerm dude, we're almost there."
This second house stands before us, and from the forest...
in behind it we hear the crickets sing the chorus.
So very early early in the morning, this is our soundtrack to exploring.
I cranked the pump repeatedly and couldn't believe it.
Water poured like the falls at the Niagara gorge.
Once inside, we snapped photos and swatted at flies.
We traversed the house like I've done in this verse.
Wooden boards covered the windows behind the curtains.
I quit drinking, now decay is my glass of bourbon.
Sandyhook House 1

Sandyhook House 2

Thank you for stopping by. Please be sure to check out my brand spanking new website, where you can see all of my urban exploration and street art exploits, listen to my music, and buy my new album and tee shirts!
click here to check out all of jerm & ninja IX's ABANDONMENT ISSUES

Nice work - lyrically and lensically!
wow your work is amazing how you show the photos and in the way you describe all made me feel at the same place where they were taken the beauty of the photos.La seen all the way as you present in an abandoned place.
Everything has a story everything has an end.
I love you guys!! I am so glad I found your website. It truely amazes me what people leave behind. And to the people that run you off their delapidated, rotting,' mouldy shells of former lives..... WTF is wrong with you????? How can you let such amazing beauty and craftsmanship, which mind you, doesn't exsist anymore, rot and then run people who appreciate your unwanted trash as a treasure??
Either do something with it, or shut the f@*% up. One mans trash is another mans treasure. At least you appreciate and memorialize. The immature of this day find humor in trashing and distroying what is left of someone's almost forgotten life. "Here's to U" from Happy Jane
Cheers all.
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