Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Abandonment Issues: Sifto Salt

Sifto Art Gallery

The Sifto salt warehousing and baggage facility in Montreal was shut down by its parent company, IMC Global Inc. in November 1998. Rising costs, seasonal production, and years of unprofitable performance at the site were cited as key factors. The plant packaged edible salts, as well as road salts for both industry and individual consumers. 20 full-time and 20 part-time jobs were lost in the closure.

From what I've gathered online, after being explored and documented, the majority of the plant was destroyed in 2007.

The concrete shell of the main building is still standing to this day. The front offices and what was likely the salt bagging production and shipping area are all that remain, stripped to the bare grey concrete, and speckled with colourful graffiti. There are no signs left indicating that this was once a massive Sifto salt complex. No bags or boxes, nothing. I likely wouldn't have known where i was if not for a single picture that my brother Shwa picked up and passed to me.



track marks

green machine





deep puddle dynamics

salt on everything

pass the salt please


not a big fan

Shipping & Receiving

the economic ladder

the social ladder


Sifto Salt

Montreal is becoming a second home to us, with my brother Shwa living in Anjou, and this is just the beginning of our adventures here. Stay tuned.

click here to check out all of jerm & ninja IX's ABANDONMENT ISSUES

1 comment:

  1. i got photos from this factory, there were many walls, rooms and stuffs before.
