Tuesday, April 27, 2010

death scrolls

...thats just what we do with our lives

last night i sat and made four pieces, in preparation for this mornings mission in PoCo with Open5. the first piece i made, which i didn't put up, is a Neitszche quote. it reads... "in heaven all the interesting people are missing."
for some reason i stuck rigidly to that theme of death with the three poetry scrolls that followed.

if i should die before i wake...


edit: the Neitzsche quote went up the next day...
Friedrich Nietzsche quote

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled onto your blog and really find it refreshing, cathartic even. Your provocative wit is something this world needs much more of. Be encouraged that you what you do is appreciated and is eloquently expressing the thoughts and feelings of others. I will be moving to Chicago this coming year and hope to carry in a bit of your legacy into that windy city.

    Viva la revolucion
