Tuesday, April 27, 2010
death scrolls
last night i sat and made four pieces, in preparation for this mornings mission in PoCo with Open5. the first piece i made, which i didn't put up, is a Neitszche quote. it reads... "in heaven all the interesting people are missing."
for some reason i stuck rigidly to that theme of death with the three poetry scrolls that followed.
edit: the Neitzsche quote went up the next day...
Monday, April 26, 2010
shedding skin
last thursday jerm found himself in an abandoned factory along the fraser river in south vancouver, for hours, with his homies Vegas and Open5. the razor blade lips seen in the first photo were sprayed by Vegas, dozens of them. the last photo is of the character done with aerosol and acrylic by Open5.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
when depression sets in.
this poem was written 5 years ago, yet it describes perfectly how i felt as i awoke yesterday morning. manic-depression is not as fun as it sounds. i have trained myself to interpret my manic states as "happiness", but depression is still a monster that haunts me. to this day, this is the best that i can describe what that sudden transition feels like.
edit: nice to wake up this morning and see this on Wooster Collective.